West Chester Cycling Club

West Chester Cycling Club
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"B" Riders: Pick your Winter Training Route

"B" Riders: Pick your Winter Training Route
#145-Broad Run-ChestnutLn-Mortonville#2 (34.1 miles)
#138-Broad Run-ChestnutLn-Mortonville (33.5 miles)
# 87-Green Valley-Wilson-LondonGroveRd (41.0 miles)
# 161-GreenValley-FrogHollow-Modena (38.7 miles)
Other: Please e-mail wccc.bike.rider@verizon.net
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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Ride Report for Saturday

Holy Duck Butter Batman!
There were 14 brave souls this morning ready to ride in the Soup du Jour. Yes, it was foggy (actually, it was more like a steamy-hot wet wool blanket) went we started at 7:30.
The group naturally split on the way up 842 towards Northbrook.
Now I know how King Salmon must feel swimming upstream to spawn.
After a brief regroup at Northbrook, several riders hammered on Rte. 842 towards Unionville while others (me) plodded along. At some point, the faster group just kept on going. Then that huge ball of burning hydrogen and helium began to appear. Sure, the fog began to lift which improved visibility, but oh boy, did it start to get HOT!
Jack, Mike and Dave rode from the mini-mart at Rte 41 all the way back in to Dub C.
We took a detour off Rte. 841 since the road was being resurfaced and another group of riders (not WCCC) were cussing and swearing as they sat in the heat changing a flat. So, we rode down Rte 926 to Wollaston Rd, made a left on Rte 82 and a right on Green Valley Road and picked up the cue sheet from there. We passed Frank's and Alice's peloton on Apple Grove Road-what a large group they have!!!

Despite the heat, humidity and the profuse sweating, we still managed an avg. speed of 15.7 m.p.h. for 45 miles.

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